Excess gas in the intestinal tract. But excess flatulence is difficult to define without a yardstick to measure the "normal" frequency of gas passages. Symptom-free individuals have recorded approximately 14 passages of gas per 24 hours. From the Latin flatus, meaning blowing, like a breeze or snort.
However, the problem doesn’t end here. If you have such an opportunity, avail it. It’s really good news for your health. Because the problem shall be bigger if gases won’t pass. Therefore, it becomes mandatory to explore that causes and consequences of gas formation.
Here, it will unjust if not mention the fundamental Ayurvedic prescription that to “keep digestive system fine rest problem shall be itself taken care of by the body”.
Some Interesting Facts
• The smell of women’s gas is significantly worse than men’s.
• In airplanes is particularly insidious due to recirculation of ~50% of cabin air.
• more gas produces at cruising altitudes than at sea level due to changes in air pressure.
• A typical fabric airplane seat cushion can absorb about half of the odor expelled.
• Yes, you can light a fart on fire
• People with a weak pelvic floor are less able to pass gas silently,
• Smoking bans on airlines increase the risk of “nasally detecting of intestinal gases.”
• Flatulence in the cockpit can pose a real flight threat:
• “letting go” of the gas could -only affect his copilot, “which again reduces safety
• Farting is the result of a healthy, complex ecosystem in your intestines
Merely passing gases, through anus or mouth, having foul smell is NOT a problem. In fact, the real problem starts when these gases stuck in the gut. Therefore, it becomes more important to understand its various dimension.
The fermentation process is modulated knowingly or unknowingly, in various ways including the composition of feed and contaminations in the gut, condition of digestion of individual and subsequently the end products formed after digestion.
Types of microflora in gut & Composition of food taken, pH
The byproducts so formed usually eliminated by defecation, but the delay in the defecation, cause fermentation to proceed.
So, what’s the Problem?
In fact, Problem started when, the excess formation of Gases occurs, especially injurious gases, like methane, hydrogen disulfide, etc. These gases, stuck in gut & not able to come out, thus transported along with the blood to other organs, especially in case of leaky gut. This transport of unwanted materials to gut cause its damage via damaging mitochondria at the cellular level.
- Formation of injurious gases
- When gases transported to Blood
- Damage mitochondria, which may be the ultimate causes of organ disturbances
However, problematically, A fermenting gut may result in many problems including, fatigue, arthritis, urticaria, dementia, venous ulcers, chronic cystitis, asthma, immune suppression, and tinnitus. But, most of them can be explained by allergy to fermenting microbes that spillover from the gut into the bloodstream to drive allergic/ inflammatory reactions at distal sites.
Mitochondrial failure may usually result in fatigue. A good redox state is critical to the optimal function of mitochondria, as reflected by the fact that central pathological lesion in CFS is a mitochondrial failure. A balance between free radical stress and our ability to cope with it, i.e. the body's antioxidant status, should be maintained in order to keep metabolism properly. These, free radicals damage mitochondria and so the mitochondria "go slow".
It is important to remember that, Ayurveda has always been mainly emphasized on Digestion system: Vat, kuff and; Pitt. Nevertheless, You are Lucky that Pharma discovered probiotics to their business, else you could never know all these facts which says “gut problem is the sole cause of most of the health problems”.
Level of tolerance will be the individual factor, Their ability to keep the upper gut clean, How efficient is their digestion and absorption, Which microbes are present depends on how the gut was inoculated at birth, How it has been fed since, together with subsequent food poisonings/ antibiotic use, etc, Whether one is allergic to the microbe, How leaky is the gut, & probably other factors!
How to handle this Problem?
Treatment of gas problems should be treated specifically, as per problem only. If it is consistent, then preventive measures should be taken, else symptomatic treatment should be done.
However, the problem doesn’t end here. If you have such an opportunity, avail it. It’s really good news for your health. Because the problem shall be bigger if gases won’t pass. Therefore, it becomes mandatory to explore that causes and consequences of gas formation.
Here, it will unjust if not mention the fundamental Ayurvedic prescription that to “keep digestive system fine rest problem shall be itself taken care of by the body”.
Some Interesting Facts
• The smell of women’s gas is significantly worse than men’s.
• In airplanes is particularly insidious due to recirculation of ~50% of cabin air.
• more gas produces at cruising altitudes than at sea level due to changes in air pressure.
• A typical fabric airplane seat cushion can absorb about half of the odor expelled.
• Yes, you can light a fart on fire
• People with a weak pelvic floor are less able to pass gas silently,
• Smoking bans on airlines increase the risk of “nasally detecting of intestinal gases.”
• Flatulence in the cockpit can pose a real flight threat:
• “letting go” of the gas could -only affect his copilot, “which again reduces safety
• Farting is the result of a healthy, complex ecosystem in your intestines
Merely passing gases, through anus or mouth, having foul smell is NOT a problem. In fact, the real problem starts when these gases stuck in the gut. Therefore, it becomes more important to understand its various dimension.
I would like to mention here that in fact, public is lucky as pharma have discovered some gut cleaning techniques & more importantly, probiotics. This provided them opportunity to drag the market more widely. It wouldn’t be so simple that merely very few research papers are available and more adversely, they have mentioned that gut intoxications hardly matter in any subsequent health hazards. Nevertheless, huge amount of literature is now available to support the view that gut intoxication has adverse impacts on health of liver, heart and subsequent flow.Thus, the formation of gas is a consequence of the natural process in the gut, the FERMENTATION which occurs as a result of metabolism by the bacterial flora in the gut.
The fermentation process is modulated knowingly or unknowingly, in various ways including the composition of feed and contaminations in the gut, condition of digestion of individual and subsequently the end products formed after digestion.
Types of microflora in gut & Composition of food taken, pH
The byproducts so formed usually eliminated by defecation, but the delay in the defecation, cause fermentation to proceed.
So, what’s the Problem?
In fact, Problem started when, the excess formation of Gases occurs, especially injurious gases, like methane, hydrogen disulfide, etc. These gases, stuck in gut & not able to come out, thus transported along with the blood to other organs, especially in case of leaky gut. This transport of unwanted materials to gut cause its damage via damaging mitochondria at the cellular level.
- Formation of injurious gases
- When gases transported to Blood
- Damage mitochondria, which may be the ultimate causes of organ disturbances
However, problematically, A fermenting gut may result in many problems including, fatigue, arthritis, urticaria, dementia, venous ulcers, chronic cystitis, asthma, immune suppression, and tinnitus. But, most of them can be explained by allergy to fermenting microbes that spillover from the gut into the bloodstream to drive allergic/ inflammatory reactions at distal sites.
Mitochondrial failure may usually result in fatigue. A good redox state is critical to the optimal function of mitochondria, as reflected by the fact that central pathological lesion in CFS is a mitochondrial failure. A balance between free radical stress and our ability to cope with it, i.e. the body's antioxidant status, should be maintained in order to keep metabolism properly. These, free radicals damage mitochondria and so the mitochondria "go slow".
It is important to remember that, Ayurveda has always been mainly emphasized on Digestion system: Vat, kuff and; Pitt. Nevertheless, You are Lucky that Pharma discovered probiotics to their business, else you could never know all these facts which says “gut problem is the sole cause of most of the health problems”.
Level of tolerance will be the individual factor, Their ability to keep the upper gut clean, How efficient is their digestion and absorption, Which microbes are present depends on how the gut was inoculated at birth, How it has been fed since, together with subsequent food poisonings/ antibiotic use, etc, Whether one is allergic to the microbe, How leaky is the gut, & probably other factors!
How to handle this Problem?
Don’t try to stop the ejection of gas from gut
If somehow gas stuck in the gut, try to get-rid-off from it.
There is a various combination of allopathy medicines available in various brand names.
However, homeopathic medicines, in fact, gives very good results
Yoga plays a very vital role in maintaining the health of the gut
To prevent the excess gas formation & Gastroprotective effort, the certain preventive option should have opted. Herbal: Much better to Go
Some other important gastroprotective herbs (S)
Conclusively, Fatulence is merely an implication of a big problem, and checking it due to social restraint may be more problematic. very recently it is recognized by the workers that Gut fermentation is co-related with many adverse impacts like Migraine, Cardiovascular Problems, Diabetes, Leaky Liver, etc. Therefore, one should not take it lightly and matter of laughing, instead see a doctor the health of gut and liver.
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