A New Look
“The aim of science,” says a noted scientist, T. A. Thomson “is to describe the impersonal facts of experiences in verifiable terms as exactly as possible and as completely as possible.”
While allopathy is widely considered the most effective treatment approach for various health conditions, its reputation is largely based on its popularity. However, this raises questions about the validity of popularity as a measure of effectiveness, especially when considering the widespread consumption of unhealthy products like carbonated drinks. In this article, I will provide a comparative analysis of allopathy and Ayurveda in treating viral diseases, using pox viruses as a case study, to explore their respective strengths and weaknesses
A Brief Note on Small Pox
Initially, the virus enters the body through the respiratory mucosa or, less commonly, the skin. It then travels to the lymph nodes and, by the third or fourth day, spreads to the bone marrow and other lymph nodes via the bloodstream, leading to fever and toxemia around the eighth to twelfth day. The virus subsequently establishes itself in the blood vessels of the dermis and oral mucosa, causing the initial appearance of enanthem and exanthem. By the fourteenth day, the virus has spread to the kidneys, liver, and spleen. The infection triggers swelling in the endothelial cell vessel walls, resulting in skin lesions. As these lesions mature and eventually rupture, they leave the host vulnerable to secondary infection
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An electron micrograph of smallpox virus
Although extensive information and resources are available online, a concise overview of the virus can be found at the provided link. Smallpox is caused by the variola virus, a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) virus with a genome size of 186 kilobase pairs. (ʘ) The virus has a complex structure, consisting of a bilayer envelope (30 nm thick) composed of lipids and proteins, which encloses a dumbbell-shaped core containing genetic material and approximately 10 enzymes essential for gene expression and transcription. Notably, the variola virus is also referred to as an intracellular naked virus, and its core envelope measures 350x270 nm, appearing as a smoothly rounded rectangle.(ʘ)
Indian System of Treatment
The earliest recorded evidence of this knowledge can be traced back to the Ravan Samhita (Uddeesh Tantra Sahitiya), attributed to Ravan himself, dating over 5,000 years ago. Remarkably, this knowledge has become so deeply ingrained and widespread among followers of Sanatan Dharma that it is often instinctively known by women without needing to consult the text. I firmly believe that this enduring aspect of Sanatan Dharma has stood the test of time, and its sustained prevalence is a testament to the veracity of its principles and practices. The fact that these truths have been passed down through generations, refined by the sieve of time, serves as evidence of their authenticity and timeless relevance.
The treatment can be summarized in the following key points:
1. Maintaining utmost hygiene: Isolating the patient, restricting family members from leaving or receiving visitors, and sanitizing the home by applying a coating of cow dung and urine to walls and floors.
2. Neem application: Placing neem leaves on the patient's bed and surrounding areas to purify and protect the environment.
3. Dietary restrictions: Avoiding fatty substances in cooking during the infection period.
4. Patient care: Providing a light diet to the patient, excluding turmeric, to aid recovery.
5. Ritual worship: Conducting a worship ceremony on the fifth day, offering soaked gram seeds, scarlet, and mustard oil to Sheetala Mata.
6. Spiritual environment: Creating a devotional atmosphere around the patient, with intermittent chanting of devotional songs to promote spiritual healing
1. Cow Dung coating
In Indian tradition, coating the floor with a mixture of cow dung and urine is a common practice that has been scientifically validated. This natural coating offers protection against:
- Harmful radiations, particularly in India's diverse climate
- Snakes, as the mixture's chemical properties repel them
- Insects, due to its insecticidal properties
The slurry has been proven to possess antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiprotozoal properties (ʘ). Moreover, fresh cow dung has been shown to eliminate germs causing Malaria and TB, as noted by G.E. Bea God.(G.E. Bea God) This ancient practice has been rediscovered for its remarkable health benefits and eco-friendly properties.
Cow dung is gaining recognition as a sustainable wall paint due to its multifaceted benefits, including insulation, antiseptic, antibacterial, and insect-repelling properties (ʘ). These advantages have been validated by multiple research groups (ʘ). Notably, Prof. R S Chauhan has published numerous articles in various journals, highlighting cow dung's antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting properties (ʘ). Furthermore, Indian researchers have extensively documented the antibacterial, antifungal, and anthelmintic properties of cow urine (ʘ). This growing body of evidence underscores the potential of cow dung and urine as natural, eco-friendly resources with significant health benefits
2. Devotional Songs as Immuno-stimulants: Music's Impact on Physiology and Immunity
Research has shown that listening to music, particularly devotional songs, can stimulate the immune system and induce hormonal changes, leading to improved mood and reduced stress. Studies using fMRI and PET scans have found that music alters physiological responses, including dopamine and cortisol levels, through the activation of certain hormones (ʘ).
Music's impact on the brain's reward system, specifically the dorsal and ventral striatum, releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and pleasure anticipation (Zatorre). Devotional songs have been found to increase endorphins (natural pain relievers) and S-IgA (Salivary immunoglobulin-A), which accelerates healing, reduces infection risk, and regulates heart rates (ʘ).
Experiments have demonstrated music's effects on human attributes, revealing:
- Increased heart rate, electromyogram, and respiration depth, indicating altered psychophysiological activity (ʘ, ʘ, ʘ, ʘ)
- Decreased cortisol, beta-endorphin, and oxytocin, with activation of the cytokine network, leading to enhanced immune function (Fancourt et al.) (ʘ)
- Mood's causal role in modulating responses to acute stress, with music listening reducing stress-induced increases in noradrenaline, ACTH, cortisol, IL-6, and leptin levels (ʘ)
These findings highlight the potential of devotional songs as a natural immuno-stimulant, promoting emotional and physiological well-being.
3. Application of Neem
Application of neem is seeming to prevail since the centuries. This is a unique point to establish that the way of dealing pathogen was much better than the modern mechanism of treatment. Keeping the vicinity of patient clean with the help of cow dung pest, and protected from the frequent visit of other persons, except the person who is attending the patient, by say saying that the patient is a carrier of the 'Sheetala Mata'. This prevents the chances of any further infection.
There is a huge number of chemicals has been isolated, characterized and identified from leaves of neem, so far by various workers. Leaf extracts: Active constituents of neem leaf extract include isomeldenin, nimbin, nimbinene, 6-desacetyllnimbinene, nimbandiol, immobile, nimocinol, quercetin, and β -sitosterol. Two additional tetracyclic triterpenoids zafaral [24,25,26,27-tetranorapotirucalla-(apoeupha)-6α-methoxy-7-α-acetoxy-1,14-dien-3,16-dione-21-al] and meliacinan hydride [24,25,26,27-tetranorapotirucalla-(apoeupha)-6 α -hydroxy,11 α -methoxy-7 α, 12- α-di acetoxy,1,14,20(22)-trien-3-one] have been isolated from the methanolic extract of neem leaves (ʘ).
A good amount of Margosa leaves (Azadirachta indica: ʘ) is kept on the bed which is now well established as an antiviral agent (ʘ; ʘ; ʘ; ʘ; ʘ; ʘ). Antiviral activity of neem is well established in modern research through a number of researchers, against many viruses including pox virus, which may be due to the presence of the battery of compounds besides flavonoids, triterpenoids and their glycosides (ʘ).
Keeping Diet Lighter
The patient is provided a mild diet, so that metabolism can support immune system to work properly including free liver. However, here it is important to quotes the use of socked grams to supply protein and vitamins, just after recovery of from the infection, just to strengthen the patient. Use of oil and fat is strictly prohibited, which might be helpful in the prohibition of the spread of the virus.
This is the most popular devotional song usually chanted every now and then during infection.
Our ancestors and Rishis have left a vast treasure and contemporary scholars, scientists, Pandits and society at large have a great deal of responsibility to research through this treasure and apply in the current context and lifestyle to revamp and rejuvenate the glory of Great Indian history and tradition for the well-being of mankind and universe.
This is the reason, these few correlations are merely an effort to say that procedure prevailing since centuries are not bogus and is certified by time and not to say that it is complete in any respect. Lot more to be done.
This is the reason, these few correlations are merely an effort to say that procedure prevailing since centuries are not bogus and is certified by time and not to say that it is complete in any respect. Lot more to be done.
A lovely topic with great scientific research behind the success of treatment. Thanking you for posting it here sir. Best regards..
ReplyDeleteThank you Ahsaas, :)
DeleteNice topic sir .
ReplyDeleteVery good Sir..Thank you Sir for this nice post, that proves that our Indian traditional system of treatment is very good and natural.
ReplyDeleteGreat sir...nice topic